GlossAI vs. Zencastr

AI spots great clips. ClipFM Studio makes them yours.

Quickly find clips with AI, or make your own in seconds with our lightning-fast fastest clip editor — no need to sacrifice your creative control.

ClipFM is built for professionals

Spend less time editing

Time is your most valuable asset. Simply upload a video and we'll deliver you ready-to-post clips within minutes.

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Grow your audience

Clips are a great way to get discovered by new listeners.

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Repurpose past videos

Repackage your existing videos instead of always needing to come up with new content.

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Spend less money

Pay less than 10x the price of what it costs to hire an editor.

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GlossAI product image

GlossAI positions itself uniquely within the AI content creation landscape. Their tool is built as a multi-purpose content generator that can transform a single piece of content into various short form videos, blog posts, and more, to cater to different platforms. Although GlossAI does seem to offer a feature for generating clips, it's important to note that this does not appear to be their primary focus. This could mean that the functionality and precision of this specific feature might not be as robust or finely tuned as platforms dedicated solely to clip generation. The comprehensive nature of GlossAI's offering can be beneficial for content creators looking to diversify their content across multiple formats and channels. However, it's likely that this breadth of functionality could lead to a less concentrated focus on each individual output, which might affect the quality or customization possibilities for each. In terms of clip generation, the lack of specialization might limit the user's control over the process, as well as the final result, potentially yielding less precise clips compared to platforms where clip generation is a primary function. In conclusion, GlossAI offers an interesting proposition for content creators seeking a multi-channel content generator. However, its broader focus might dilute the specificity and control over individual aspects, like clip generation, which could be a crucial factor for some users.


Zencastr product image

Zencastr is a popular platform designed specifically for high-quality podcast recording. It's especially favored for its ability to record each guest's audio locally, reducing the impact of potential internet connection issues on the overall sound quality. Its simple, user-friendly interface makes it easy to start recording, invite guests, and manage your podcast sessions. Plus, the post-production features, such as automatic post-processing for sound optimization, provide added value for podcast creators looking to maintain a high level of audio quality. However, it's important to note that Zencastr, while excellent in recording and initial processing, does not incorporate AI tools for auto-generating or editing clips from your podcast sessions. If you're looking to create promotional clips or repurpose content, you'd have to either manually edit the content or use additional tools specifically designed for this. Furthermore, while Zencastr is highly effective for audio podcasting, it may not offer comprehensive solutions for video editing or clip generation, which could be a limitation for podcasters looking to diversify their content across different platforms. In summary, Zencastr provides a high-quality solution for podcast recording and initial audio processing. Still, it may need to be complemented with additional tools that offer AI-powered clip generation and more comprehensive editing capabilities.

Get started making clips today.


+What's ClipFM?
+How does the AI find clips?
+What if I don't like the clips?
+How many clips will I get?
+Will Clip work for my content?
+Does it work with audio-only podcasts?
+What languages does it support?
+Will my clips go viral?
+Can I make my own clips?
+Do you have an affiliate program?
+How do I try it out?