For Agencies

Automate your team's editing workflow

We use AI to automatically find the best moments of your videos and give you ready-to-post clips within minutes.

Keep the team small

Grow your client base without needing to hire more employees to keep up.

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Quicker turnaround

Impress your clients by delivering clips to them much faster.

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Increase your output

Seamlessly take on more clients without increasing your workload.

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Cut production costs

Pay less than 10x the price of what it costs to hire an editor.

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Sydney Campos
Sydney Campos
Visionary Souls Podcast

“What an AWESOME TOOL! I hired a team to do this for me for $500 and they made the WORST videos... I just made 9 clips that are way more effective and clean in 20 mins. So grateful this came into my awareness.”


+What's ClipFM?
+How does the AI find clips?
+What if I don't like the clips?
+How many clips will I get?
+Will Clip work for my content?
+Does it work with audio-only podcasts?
+What languages does it support?
+Will my clips go viral?
+Can I make my own clips?
+Do you have an affiliate program?
+How do I try it out?

Get started making clips today.